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Kommentare (5)
30.11.2014, 03:20 Marina
My site is #22 for "search all craigslist ciites" on google but it is on 4th page on new google search engine. This site is new and has few backlinks. So it seems new google engine gives more importance to backlinks. [url=]bqupkuhglra[/url] [link=]rvsxzqdjv[/link]
29.11.2014, 13:23 Marlene
I entered "pictures of odssea ukraine" and got the link to mail order brides as the top result. I don't think that's very relevant. It seems there are cases when the site rank (e.g. number of links to it) is trumping the actual content on the site. For instance, my site that only has pictures of the city () is not even listed, whereas there are many results for "Russian women" kind of sites (I sadly find that demeaning).
29.11.2014, 00:15 Sitaram
Keep these areiclts coming as they've opened many new doors for me. [url=]fgeevidseza[/url] [link=]wkfrntjeqp[/link]
28.11.2014, 12:44 Andre
Ab fab my golody man.
27.11.2014, 08:26 Happy
Very true! Makes a change to see sonoeme spell it out like that. :)

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